Portrait photography
"In my opinion, a good portrait is an image, that conveys more about you, than what you look like."
The thought of being portrayed makes many people feel uncomfortable. Most of us have some unpleasant experience from our portraits being made for our passports and identity cards. In an unusual studio environment, we were are supposed to relax in an instant and look great. To look like our real self. How successful we are in this task will determine how we will look on the documents for the years to come. Needless to say, this fact only intensifies the pressure we feel and makes it harder for us to look relaxed and natural.
Before we manage to take a calm breath, our portrait is made and our friends calm us saying something like: "you don't look that tense, you look quite fine." The result of such a portrait session is usually an image of our head.
A real portrait goes beyond that. It is an image, where we feel, who that person really is. What are their qualities, what is important to them, what they carry within. A good portrait gives us an experience almost as strong as meeting the person.
People have been my favourite subject since the beginning of my photographic career. With all my experience I can state that "non-photogenic" ljudje ne obstajajo. Naloga fotografa je, da človeka začuti, ustvari primerno, varno vzdušje, kjer se portretiranec sprosti in spet postane je kdor v resnici je. Da na plan na mesto okorne fasade spet posijejo njegove resnične kvalitete.
No matter how uneasy you may feel in the beginning, don't pay much attention to it. In the first part of the session I will guide you more how to position yourself to look good. Shortly after, you will relax into the session, so that not much further guidance will be neccesary. My goal is that people let their natural body movement take over. That is the best for the portrait. Read how Other portretees felt during the photosession.
Business portraits
Portrait photography for business purposes - business portraits are useful for CVs, job applications and business cards. On the Internet also for the company's website and for social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn. For us humans, the first impression often defines the perspective from which we look at the person, how we feel about them. As we read images faster than text, the photography is usually the medium that creates it. If it is good, it can help us in our career path, if not, it can unnecessarily hinder us. That is why it is really worth to have a really good professional portrait. Read more about business portraits on the page "Portrait photography - business portraits for companies"
If you wish to have images with your significant other, or if you wish to give someone a nice memory, check out also the page "Couples photography"
Do you wish to have such portraits of yourself? For more information and bookine, send me a mail to info@marolt-photography.com or call me to +386 41 972 586. You can also visit the Contact page
Boudoir portretna fotografija
Boudoir portreti so čutni damski portreti, kjer pride do izraza ženska očarljivost in zapeljivost. Sam rad glavno vlogo pustim osebnosti, ki jo podpre lepota in zapeljivost telesa.
Boudoir portretno fotografijo imam bolje opisano na strani “Boudoir fotografija”.
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