Izkušnje ljudi s fotografiranjem

Janez, thank you for the images. In fact I am speachless, excited, happy...
Also my housband said they are wonderful.
Thank you and all best.
My recommendations will surely follow, I'll pass on your contact, if I may, when somebody asks ;).
Portret pisateljice - Luna Jurančič Šribar - portretna fotografija Janez MaroltVau Janez! Krasne so. Ful hvala. Včeraj sem se počutila res relaxed, znaš ustvariti tako toplo domačo atmosfero (pa ne samo zarad kaloriferja 🙂 , da človek zgubi vso tremo.
Lepo bodi!


portrait_photography_janez_marolt_dsc0744portrait_photography_janez_marolt_dsc7867Dear Janez, as I am cleaning up my computer, I want to use the occasion to tell you:

I used 5 photos from you on a dating site. I had about 3 visitors per week in the preceding period, now there are about 5 per day (conversion is different topic, fortunately, I can’t be that busy J). It is telling me what I knew about the value of professional photography.

Thank you for your inspiring great work!

Kind regards, T.


Dear Janez,

at home I looked at the photos in peace and I was left speechless. Really top notch, thanks again.




Pozdravljen, Janez!
Najlepša hvala za čudovite fotografije! Ne morem verjet, kako imam lepe sodelavce 🙂 Še nikoli jih nisem videla v tako lepi luči! Te fotografije res potegnejo iz človeka najlepše.
Najlepša hvala še enkrat, srečno!


Nosečnica s partnerjem v starem mestuMy partner gave me the pregnancy photosession as a birthday gift. I have always wanted a memory of that special time and I got a lot more. The experience of the photographing was very special and pleasant. We have met a few days beforeand talked about our wishes. Janez told us what are the possibilities, what we can expect and how to prepare for the photo session.

It was clear to me instantly, he has a lot of experinece with pregnant women. He knew all about what should I wear to show my rounded belly nicely When I'll be tired and when is the best time to take photos. I liked that we met before and talked about it. This way everything was easer on the day of the photoshoot.

Odločila sva se tudi za nekaj golih fotografij v studiu. Vzdušje je bilo mirno, sproščeno in prijetno, ves čas pa je bil v ospredju trebušček, tako da z goloto nisem imela nobenih težav in so tedaj nastale ene najlepših fotografij. Fotografiranje zunaj pa je bilo zabavno in ljubeče, saj sva bila s partnerjem skoraj 3 ure osredotočena le eden na drugega in na moj trebušček. Janez naju je usmerjal in predlagal, kako in kam se postaviva in včasih sva malo pozirala, sicer pa sva veliko klepetala, se smejala in sprehajala, vmes pa so nastajali spomini na čas, preden smo bili trije.. ”

Tanja a portretee


nosecnica_foto_janez_marolt_dsc4852_teloWOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Janez... I've never thought, that I can be beautiful...
THANK YOU. From my heart. We'll hear and see each other...
Hug, M.

Ana Kunstelj - arhitektka"It was a great pleasure working with photographer Janez Marolt.

He is the personification of male cavalry, photographic professionalism and a charmingly sympathetic performance. For him, the person portrayed is in the first place, and adjusting his lens is something that could be called "pure enjoyment".

And when you don't know what the photos will look like - there is laughter, spontaneity and magical moments over and over again. But when the first photos actually come to light, you realize that he has extracted something from you that no one has been able to do so far. Wow!

He will definitely be “my photographer” from now on! Next session - when I change my hairstyle / get married / I will be pregnant / etc. etc. ”

Ana, a portretee


portret_DSC5898“I’m probably not the only one who doesn’t feel exactly at home in front of a photographic lens. Now I know the secret is in choosing the right photographer. With Janez in the studio, the feeling of discomfort disappears. A pleasant atmosphere and a professional approach that transforms wishes into great photos are a combination that I am happy to recommend! And in the end, it's nice to pick up a photo that you are happy to put on the shelf in the children's room, so that mom is there with her smile even when she's not there. ”

Kristina, a portretee


portret_DSC8465At first you doubt that you will be able to cope with the task at all, let alone that something aesthetic will result from it. And yet… masterful leadership, a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere attracts all the potential, to the extent that you didn't even know you had.

My experience was above all pleasent and looking at the result, the joy is immeasurable, thank you again!

Katja, a portretee


Fotografija arhitekture - Janez MaroltOur experience of working with photographer Janez Marolt is very positive! In depicting our projects, he managed to present precisely those spatial and aesthetic accents that we ourselves wanted to achieve with our design.

The photographs summarize the feeling of space well and convey the first-person experience of the observer or space user. The images combine both the elegance and the liveliness of the space. Both dynamics and aesthetics. Or classic and innovative. All in the context of a message of the particular design.

I would also like to emphasize his keen sense for the composition of the painting and the selection of characteristic design details.

The photographs are technically and aesthetically at the highest level, which is also proven by the larger magnifications of the image or the detailed cut-outs of the image.

Cooperation with him was always professional, communication was efficient, the execution of the order was fast and strictly within the agreed deadlines. So I hope we will present many more of our works together!

Miha Maček, Demšar arhitekti
